DSA at "Cyber Physical Systems" symposium and festive celebration in Aachen's Coronation Hall

Fotos: Andreas Schmitter

On 19th April 2024, DSA was present at two events in Aachen's historic Krönungssaal (Coronation Hall). To mark the establishment of the DSA endowed professorship "Cyber Physical Systems" at RWTH Aachen University, the RWTH's Computer Science department organised a symposium on the research focus of the new chair in the Coronation Hall. DSA participated with a presentation on expectations of AI in vehicle diagnostics, in which Dr Oliver Meyer gave insights into future possibilities for improving error identification and handling in complex vehicle software.

The Aachener Zeitung also reported on the endowed professorship awarded by DSA in the print and online editions with a detailed article.

After the technical part of the symposium, the announcement of the endowed professorship was officially made. A step that not only emphasises DSA's long-standing ties with Aachen University, but also the company's commitment to pioneering research.

A ceremony followed in the evening at the same location. The 44th anniversary of the company was celebrated in a festive event, as was the milestone birthday of company founder Dr Eckhard Schulz. DSA employees and representatives of the national subsidiaries in the USA, China, South Africa, and Italy were amongst the participants. The numerous guests also included the Mayor of Aachen, Sybille Keupen, who gave a welcome greeting. The former NRW Minister President and politician from Aachen, Armin Laschet, honoured the event with a laudatory speech. In addition, the Rector of RWTH Aachen University, Prof. Ulrich Rüdiger, emphasised the importance of the newly established research professorship for the development of Aachen as a location for science.

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